giovedì 15 settembre 2011

Tutti allo stadio. Proprio tutti

Sono andato allo stadio del St Pauli poco prima dell’incontro col Monaco 1860. L’efficienza organizzativa convive con un’atmosfera rilassata e un po’alticcia, una via di mezzo tra una gita domenicale per famiglie (i bambini sono moltissimi) e un enorme centro sociale. Ovviamente i tifosi avversari circolano senza alcun problema tra i locali, consumando birra e acquistando magliette presso il fan shop del Millerntor.
Per carità, le tifoserie di sinistra le abbiamo anche da noi, ma guardandole all’opera mi è spesso sfuggita la differenza con quelle di destra: stesso inquadramento da falangisti frustrati, stessa tendenza a occupare in maniera violenta uno spazio espellendo chi si accontenta di vedere la partita. Generalmente nelle nostre curve “rosse” il ricorso alla retorica antifascista fa parte del pacchetto “ultras di sinistra”, ad Amburgo, anzi a St Pauli, tolleranza e rispetto si misurano coi fatti. Tutta un’altra cosa.
Date un'occhiata ai 15 principi del club e ditemi se in Italia esiste qualcosa di simile:

1. In its totality, consisting of members, staff, fans and honorary officers, St. Pauli FC is a part of the society by which it is surrounded and so is affected both directly and indirectly by social changes in the political, cultural and social spheres.

2. St. Pauli FC is conscious of the social responsibility this implies, and represents the interests of its members, staff, fans and honorary officers in matters not just restricted to the sphere of sport.

3. St. Pauli FC is the club of a particular city district, and it is to this that it owes its identity. This gives it a social and political responsibility in relation to the district and the people who live there.

4. St. Pauli FC aims to put across a certain feeling for life and symbolises sporting authenticity. This makes it possible for people to identify with the club independently of any sporting successes it may achieve. Essential features of the club that encourage this sense of identification are to be honoured, promoted and preserved.

5. Tolerance and respect in mutual human relations are important pillars of the St. Pauli philosophy.

6. Although St. Pauli FC consists of many different sections today, it has always been defined from its first beginnings, both internally and externally, by its commitment to football.

7. Together with the mandatory legal requirements that are binding for all, the stadium rules and Code of Behaviour for Excursions of the Fanladen are the basis for the activities of the members, staff, fans and honorary officers of St. Pauli FC.

8. Every individual and every group should constantly examine his or her present and future actions in a self-critical way, and be conscious of his or her responsibility for others. Adults should not forget that they are acting as a role model, to children and young people above all.

9. There are no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ fans. Anyone can give expression to his or her nature as a fan, as long as their behaviour does not conflict with the above stipulations.

10. St. Pauli FC will continue to be a hospitable institution. The club allows its guests extensive rights, but also expects them to show appropriate appreciation of the hospitality they receive.

11. The active fan scene (i.e. principally the club’s committed fans actually present on the day of the match) forms the foundation for the emotional impact of football as a sport, which in turn forms the basis for the successful marketing activities of St. Pauli FC.

12. Sponsors and business partners of FC St. Pauli and their products should be in harmony with club policy and the social responsibility of the club. More detailed specifications will be found in the club’s Marketing Guidelines (Vermarktungsrichtlinen).

13. In working with the responsible associations, St. Pauli FC will try to promote an early decision on the playing schedule and starting times that are convenient for fans.

14. The essential thing in sport is the playing of the teams, so this should be viewed as being centrally important. The atmosphere is determined by the interaction between fans and players. The accompanying programme should be distinguished by its objectivity and by the provision of information relating to the club and the city district.

15. The sale of goods and services at St. Pauli FC should be characterised, apart from economic considerations, by the fundamental principles of social compatibility, variety of services offered, sustainability and ecology. Means of payment coming into consideration must be compatible with the fans’ situation. In cases of lack of means, holders of season tickets and members have priority purchasing rights.